Allow free navigation within the current scene
I'm looking for an easy way to restrict navigation between scenes (until the scene has been viewed) while still allowing free navigation within the current scene. I want to use the built-in course menu instead of trying to build my own tab-based navigation system into each slide, but I need to make sure the learner completes the question at the end of the scene as a gatekeeper before allowing them to move ahead to the next scene.
Thus far, the only solution I've discovered is using a series of variables and triggers to quickly cycle through the slides in a given scene and loop back to the first slide when the learner first moves to the scene. It works, but it's clunky to implement and allows the learner to see the course "flipping through" the slides, especially in longer scenes. I'd love an out-of-the-box solution.
If there's nothing available to this end, how can I go about requesting such a feature to be added to the roadmap? Thanks!