Forum Discussion
Approximating interaction timing
Hi Andrew! What an interesting project! It sounds like you know your audience pretty well, and if your gut is telling you to go a different direction, then it's probably the thing to do. 🙂 And the great thing about Rise 360 is that you can use the block types in so many different ways. Since it sounds like you're trying to make it easy to navigate and view content, I thought I'd share this example by Jackie Van Nice with you. The first lesson uses the Timeline block, but instead of it being a timeline, it showcases steps with images. That's just one idea! But perhaps the community might have other helpful examples or ideas to share!
- AndrewRatner-093 years agoCommunity Member
Thanks for the response, Sarah! That was an interesting way of thinking of it! I'll have to keep playing around, but I really like the example.
Sarah, in your experience -- how do you estimate the length of time a particular interaction takes? There's probably no wrong answer, but would love your thoughts.
- SarahHodge3 years agoFormer Staff
Oh, interesting question, Andrew! Estimating how long it takes someone to go through an interaction is hard because each person goes at their own pace and processes information differently. But if I had to do a rough estimate (and since you know the word count), using a tool like this script timer can be useful. It estimates the length of finished audio, but I also think this can work for estimating going through e-learning text since some people read out loud or use a screen reader. You can even change the settings on that tool to slow delivery to help determine the longest it would take. But since you’re also including imagery in your course, you’ll probably want to add extra time for someone to view those as well. I hope that helps!
- AndrewRatner-093 years agoCommunity Member
Yes it does, thank you! It's always challenging, isn't it? Especially if this is a microlearning!
I guess here's an extra question: how much interaction do you like to put in microlearning? Or maybe expect to put? Especially if the purpose of the microlearning is to practice a skill.