Forum Discussion

SandraMatchica's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Articulate 360 screen recording issue.

Hi, I am hoping one of you heroes will be MINE in this circumstance! LOL

I published a screen recording of an on-line form we use with Articulate Storyline 2. I upgraded the file from the Storyline2 format to the Storyline 360 format.

The form is not working correctly...

there are radio buttons, drop-down menus and a few text entry fields. The text entry seems to be what isn't working, and specifically slide 16 & 17.

After the user selects the Customer radio button at the top of the form. The next thing is to enter an account #... but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. When you place your cursor in the text entry field and click, you should see a blinking cursor to add text.

One of three things happen:

  • it lets the user enter the account# and click enter to proceed in the form (this what should be happening)
  • the account # field won't accept text and displays an error message and will not let the user proceed
  • the account # automatically displays without the user entering it and will not let the user proceed

I have been playing with triggers and the length of the screen recording but I feel I am doing more harm than good at this point.

I cannot use this with such inconsistent results. I have tried to re-record it several times but ultimately I go back to the original recording because I thought it was easier to fix than replace...

apparently not.



  • Hi Sandra,

    Thanks for reaching out, and I'm sorry to hear you're running into these issues with your upgraded course! I'd like to connect you with our support engineers to take a closer look and troubleshoot your screen recording.

    You should receive an email shortly with an upload link. If you can share the original source file along with the upgraded one, that will allow our support team to dig in and follow up with next steps!

  • BeccaLevan's avatar
    Community Member

    Hello Sandra!

    Thanks for following up here, and I'm happy to help! I just resent the email Ren previously shipped off to you, so I'm hoping it finds you soon. You might want to add to your safe sender list and check your spam folder!

    Please keep me posted!