Forum Discussion
Articulate Rise - Change Link colour
Hi - is it possible to change text links to a different colour. Currently it is taking the colour from the theme settings and this colour cannot be changed.
- KimGuestCommunity Member
For accessibility purposes, this should be a feature request. If the theme colour is light, it is applied to text links which are on a white background and they don't pass accessibility standards. More settings are required to manage Rise design elements within the theme section. It would also be helpful to be able to share themes across several courses.
- AdamBloomfieldCommunity Member
Hi all, any further suggestions if that work around does not work?
- FionaMacelliCommunity Member
It seems to not work in some instances, probably related to the type of block its in. For example, I am unable to change the link color when the text is part of a text and image side-by-side block.
In other block types this workaround seems to work erratically from within the main flow, and may work better for you if you apply the text color in the Edit panel.
If successful, you should expect for the underline itself to stay the "feature color" and not change with the font.
I feel this workaround is a poor and time-consuming substitute to being able to make system-wide adjustments to the link color or at least having the default be standard Hyperlink blue. Articulate should still be pursuing this feature request.
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi Fiona,
As stated in my post directly above your post, these steps always work for me, regardless of the block type:
First, highlight the text and underline the text, and apply bold if required.
Change the text color to your desired color.
Only then add the hyperlink.
If you follow these steps, the underline color will also be correct.
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi Adam,
I just checked this again, and it does work:
First, highlight the text and underline the text, and apply bold is required.
Change the text color to your desired color.
Then add the hyperlink. Results are as shown below.
- JairoMunozCommunity Member
Thank you. it works for me also.
I'll add this one to my list of work-arounds.
- JinaAliCommunity Member
Thanks. It works now.
Hi, all! I'm so sorry you ran into that issue. Hyperlinks in Rise should now display the custom color you select in the floating toolbar. Please let us know if you run into any further issues with this!
- JustinaThompsonCommunity Member
I ditto Elizabeth! We rely heavily on being able to customize the color of the link font and now the workaround is gone with the latest version.
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
This still works for me:
First, highlight the text and change the color to your desired color and underline the text. Then, highlight the text again and add the hyperlink.
- ElizabethMcDadeCommunity Member
Hi Everyone,
The most recent release has gotten rid of this workaround as Jo and Jina have noted. Can we have this feature/workaround back ASAP please? Thanks.
- JinaAliCommunity Member
Hi All,
Jo is right. I have just tried to apply the workaround by changing the colour before adding the hyperlink, and it now remains orange.
Articulate, please advise.
- JoAppleford-CooCommunity Member
When making links blue was actually a requested feature, why have you eliminated the workaround?!
Thanks for reminding me of that workaround, Mark! 🌟