Forum Discussion

MarcusBiady-8b7's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Articulate Rise Scenario Interactive not navigating to next scene

Hi everyone, as the title eludes, when I previewed my draft Rise block template (interactive-scenario) I have the nav (go to) linked to the next scene, yet in preview mode it flags an option to start over at the Scenario End slide for scene 1. I have checked that I have the scene 2, slide 1 slide next in line and if I preview Scenario End on scene 1 only and not the whole thing it shows the text I included to indicate to a learner what happens next which is weird.

Is there a bug anyone knows of? I dont want to have to make 5 separate scenarios instead of five scenes in the one scenario, any help is welcome!

I have screen recorded from Storyline for any help.

  • Not sure what's going on. I ran into the same thing. I'll mention it to support. In the interim, I'd delete that and just add your own new content and that seemed to resolve the issue.

    Hope that helps.

  • I went to record a demo for our support team, and it worked. In either case, I let them know about it.