Forum Discussion

LauraStark-c632's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

AttnDave: Need best way to control the navigation that if they had viewed a slide previously, they don’t have to wait for the timeline?

In Storyline 360, I have triggers setup such that navigation forward or backward isn’t activated until the timeline runs out, because we want to ensure learners aren’t just clicking to the next slide without reading the content. We also want to allow learners to go backward and review any slide they have already looked at. I noticed, if learners want to review a previous slide, they will need to wait for the timeline to end each time on the previously viewed slide. Is there a better way to control the navigation that if they had viewed a slide previously, they don’t have to wait for the timeline? This would allow them to click back and forth quickly, on slides they already viewed. If I need to redo my triggers completely that’s fine. I just want to know the best way to do this. Thanks.


  • ScottWiley1's avatar
    Community Member

    If for some reason the "Restricted" setting doesn't work for you, I've always used variables to track completed slides/content.

    For instance, a variable named "01_complete" is set to false initially.

    The variable is set to true when that slide's timeline ends.

    When returning, a trigger to disable the Next button can use that variable as a condition.

    Change state of Next > when the timeline starts > if 01_complete is equal to true.