Forum Discussion
Batch publish mode?
I wish. WISH WISH, there was a batch publish ability in SL360. I work on 10+ projects at any one time and when they're finished it's normally a case of Friday afternoon, setting aside everything to simply publish.
Has there been any word on something of this ilk? I personally don't care if it's macro-clunky based, rather than polished. It will always get better :)
Many thanks
- WaltHamiltonSuper Hero
It's clunky, it's slow, but it's better than what you have now. Highlight the .story files in file explorer. Right-click and choose open. They will each open in a separate instance of SL. Go through and publish each one. Take a well-deserved break while they all publish together.
Hi Lawrence! I'm not sure that I've seen a request for that.
Is the assumption that all of them publish with the same settings? Where/when would you set that?
I'd love for you to share what you envision and your use case with our team here.
- lawrenceEatonCommunity Member
I'm with you on that one :) trouble is my boss keeps looking over at me when I'm learning how to knit and it's obvious they think I'm doing nothing :)
- lawrenceEatonCommunity Member
File>Batch Publish (or even better, a shortcut keystroke)
Batch Publish dialog opens with "+" & "-" buttons to add storyline files
Dropdown arrow next to each entry for publishing to whichever SCORMING/ TINCAN versioning you wish
Highlight each entry and adjust settings accordingly: i.e. Change of title, html5/Flash, mobile or desktop/laptop or both, and path to publish to. Check box for zip after publishing.
Click "Alleluia there is a publishing god" and go for lunch/ home for the night/ weekend. Drag yourself back into the office and open Windows Exploder and then upload files to LMS
I could work up a wireframe in Affinity Designer really quickly if anyone would be interested or like to chime in with their thoughts?
- StaceyClark-d61Community Member
This would be a huge time saver!
Bahahaha! This is great Lawrence. I'll get this one filed for you :)
- StephenWalker1Community Member
Hi Lawrence & Walt. I found this thread as I was wondering if anyone had any experience of publishing multiple projects at once. I usually wait for one to be done before starting the next but that is just due to paranoia of things going wrong.
Can I assume from this thread that you two never have any problems when publishing from multiple instances of Storyline at once?
- WaltHamiltonSuper Hero
I'm pretty paranoid, too. The thing about publishing is that if you always save first then publish, no matter how badly the publishing goes, the only thing you can lose is the actual publishing time. It's not like something going wrong while you are saving, and you can lose your project back to the last incremental backup.
I frequently publish two at a time, or publish one while I am loading the next, and haven't had problems. If I did, I'd delete the published file, and re-publish - no bigger deal than if it goes bad while publishing one by itself.
- StephenWalker1Community Member
Thanks Walt. That's a good point that I should save before mass publishing in case I cause my whole computer to crash. But it looks like once you see the "Congratulations! Publish Successful!" screen then you can assume everything has worked as expected.
I don't know why but in my head I thought that if you published 2 courses at the same time then random bits of text or objects from one course when start appearing in the other one!
- WaltHamiltonSuper Hero
random bits of text or objects from one course will start appearing in the other one!
My exact fear, also, but you look too young to have had enough bad experiences to distrust computers to that extent :).
Computer Corollary: - Murphy was irresponsibly optimistic.
- StephenWalker1Community Member
Ha ha! I trust my computer but I've been using Storyline since release and I've seen it do some really weird stuff on occasion.