Forum Discussion
Best Web Server for your LMS?
Does anyone use a 3rd party web server host for your LMS?
Apparently, our IT department was unable to install Moodle onto our own server and I think we may have found a way to utilize Moodle on a 3rd Party Web Server, but I would like to know your experiences.
Thanks, in advance.
- Chris-GlassCommunity Member
It really depends. How many users at once? I have 175 students and 42 courses and we use Hostgator. Works great. The only thing is someone will need to make sure they do backups of the SQL database.
- StephenCopeCommunity Member
Hi Chris,
What kind of plan are you on with Hostgator to manage 175 students?
- CarinWilsonCommunity Member
This is going to sound like a very ignorant question....why would the web hosting site need to have a limited number of users? It seems that would be applicable for the LMS?
- CarinWilsonCommunity Member
Chris, to answer your question, we would be providing access to our LMS to provide training for about 400. Of course, they would not all access the courses at the same time.
- SteveFlowersCommunity Member
Different hosting situations offer different "shares" of an actual machine. Cheaper plans give you a portion of hardware and connection. The limit isn't really the number of user accounts, it gets hairy with the number of simultaneous users. You'll quickly exceed some of the cheaper plan's limits if you have tons of people hitting the site.
I've used Fatcow, MediaTemple, and SiteGround. All are pretty easy to setup and offer a range of support plans. I think SiteGround and Fatcow offer EZ setup wizards for configuring Moodle on a site as well. I pay $109 for 2 years of Fatcow hosting with one of the budget plans. I wouldn't trust that level of plan for more than 50 peak simultaneous users. Even then, hiccups would be had.
- CarinWilsonCommunity Member
Steve, would you trust one of Fatcow's larger plans to accommodate, say, 100 simultaneous users?
- SteveFlowersCommunity Member
Sure. Any dedicated plan would handle that many and more. Higher cost, though. The Moodle forums would probably be a good bet for getting scaling / balancing advice.
- Chris-GlassCommunity Member
At my previous job, we had used Fatcow and they were horrible and provided horrible customer service to us. The applications were slow and really had trouble making things work. We also tried iPage with the same result but Hostgator has been awesome. I am running three different sites and I do not see any problems. Just my experience that I wanted to share with you.
- anoyatisCommunity Member
Hi Carrin,
Rackspace Cloud Servers could also be a rather cheap and highly scalable option for you. Needs more careful setup and planning than your average VPS plan though. - Chris-GlassCommunity Member
If you go that route, I can help you set it up.
Alexandros- How would daily/weekly database backups work with Rackspace?