Forum Discussion

BradDangerfi236's avatar
Community Member
31 days ago

Branching scenario |Text in option boxes is replicating

I am trying to make a branching scenario, but when I type in a second or even a third (different) option, the text replicates across all the options, including the feedback section. 
It has been a while since I have built a branching scenario, but surely this is a glitch? Is anyone else experiencing the same issue?

  • Hi Brad and Carmen,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I see you've connected with my teammate, Lianne, in a support case. That was a great call. I wanted to jump in here and let you know that this issue has been fixed. You can test this out, and let Lianne know if you're still running into trouble.

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Julia,

      This issue has already been fixed. You won't have to do anything besides double-checking the scenario blocks in your course if you published it before yesterday. Let me know if you're still experiencing the issue!

      • JuliaSchmid-fd7's avatar
        Community Member

        Thank you for the information😊

        It’s just one scene in which the two options are still the same, but the rest is like it was before. I will take care of it manually.

        Kind regards