Forum Discussion

MikeImage's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Button Hidden state to Normal on button timeline starts

Storyline version: 3.78.30747.0

Changing the button state from hidden to normal on timeline starts of the button does not work anymore.

I do not want to use timeline starts because there is a delay before the button appears and timeline starts makes it appear right away. I am avoiding timeline triggers with cue points and trimming.

Now I have to make it Normal and hide it if my variable are false.

I think the Hidden state should get recognized as all other states.

  • Hello Michael,

    I am not sure if I am seeing the issue, here.  I am assuming that your player menu is restricted and there are certain slides where you are not restricting the next button and changing to normal immediately.  Is that correct?  When you say it does not work, what do you mean? Is it not changing to normal at all? or just not quickly enough?

    I do not seem be able to replicate, but I am concerned that may have misunderstood the issue.

    • MikeImage's avatar
      Community Member


      I have a button (BT1) set to hidden. The trigger on the button is:

      Change state of BT1 to normal when timeline starts on BT1.

      Storyline used to see the hidden state and trigger the trigger.

      Now, Storyline does not trigger the trigger when the state is hidden.


      Michael Marchand

  • Thanks for the clarification.

    I have always avoided setting triggers when the timeline starts on buttons; I would imagine the button being hidden would only make things more wonky.  I think the more stable triggers are when the timeline starts on the slide or when the timeline reaches 0.

    • MikeImage's avatar
      Community Member

      It always worked great for me, plus I don't have to re-add triggers as they get copied with the button.

      Couple versions back of Storyline worked fine, did not matter what state the button was in.

      It seem that it does not see the button when hidden. I guess I will have to do the inverse.


      • EllenCoombes-e4's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi Michael,

        Did you resolve the issue? I had the same issue with the hidden button so I created a new state called "blank" for my shape then removed the line and fill; hence making it hidden and it worked.

