Can I use the built in quiz results review to which questions were answered correct or incorrect?
I am going to try to describe what I am trying to do.
We create quizzes in Storyline 360 to act as final assessments for instructor-led courses.
Some quizzes are 50 questions or more. After the quiz results appear, we allow the learners to review their answers. We want to show the status of each question (correct or incorrect) at the bottom of every slide and allow the users to navigate using those buttons. Please use the link below to see an example.
Quiz with custom review layers
Is there a way to use the built-in programming of each review slide to accomplish this? Or limit the number of variables and triggers?
In the example I provided, I had to:
- Create custom review layers to cover up the correct/incorrect banner at the bottom
- Create the question buttons
- Create a variable for every state and create a trigger for every variable, for each question, on every slide
- Create a trigger to jump to every question, on every slide, on the base layer, and the review layer (50 questions would equal 98 triggers on every slide just for navigation).
- This restricts us from allowing the questions to appear in random order because each navigation button is question-specific.
One last thing. I had to create a green checkmark for the fourth question to indicate the correct answer on the review layer. Because of this, I can't shuffle the answers. Is there a way for this to happen automatically as it does for word-based answers?
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thank you so much for your help,
Downing in variables and triggers, Maureen