Forum Discussion
Can you change the color of Markers in Rise?
I selected Labeled Graphic an have inserted an image that has a lot of white in it. The markers are white. Can you change the color of a Marker? If so, how? I feel that if you could, it would be simple.
Hi everyone! In today's update for Rise 360, we added the ability to select your marker color! 🎉 I'm really excited about this one. Just go to the labeled graphic settings, and you'll see a field for marker color.
You can also check out the release notes here. Have a great day!
Hi Karlee! Great question and surprisingly one I had not seen asked before. You can certainly change the marker style, and the theme color (via Settings) will drive the marker icon as well as the selected color of the marker as you can see here.
The outside circle and shadow will keep those noticeable by your learner as well:
I hope that helps :)
- KarleeRamosCommunity Member
Hi Leslie,
Thank you for the quick response! This does help, but unfortunately I was hoping that you could change the fill color of the outside circle before the user clicks or hovers over it.
If that's something that can be done, that would be great.
I certainly understand Karlee. I think it's a great idea and I've submitted a feature request on your behalf for this feature.
- MollyBrownCommunity Member
Thank you! I'd like this feature as well!
- RachellWeissCommunity Member
I would really like this as well. A full colored in circle would be much more identifiable. Also, is there a way to change which side the text box pops up on? For example, I am labeling a screen shot of a document to explain what information would go in each dialog box. When they click the marker, the dialog box covers the area of the form. I'd like it to pop up on the opposite side so they can read the tip AND see the section of the document.
Hi Rachell,
Marker captions open to the left or right by default, based on their location on the image and the device you're using to view the course. For example, the captions will cover the screen when you're viewing the course on a mobile phone.
It sounds like you'd like to have more flexibility on the caption placement. That's a really good idea--I'll share that one with the team, too!
- MicheleLiggettCommunity Member
I have tried changing the theme color to change my markers but they remain as black and white. I tried deleting the marker and adding it back in after I changed the color, but still remains as black and white. Is there some other setting I'm missing?
Michele - they are black and white while authoring but once you run the course they will take on your accent color. Hit Preview and you'll see what I mean.
- ErikSchirmer-76Community Member
Hello, I'm just adding my voice for a more visible on a white background set of markers.
Hi Erik,
What color have you set your theme colors to? As Adam mentioned they're black/white while authoring but once you preview, use the Share link or export you will see the markers take on your theme color.
- ErikSchirmer-76Community Member
I have a dark blue as my theme color. Here is a picture of the markers:
It would be great if the pulsing ring could take on a theme color.
Thanks for the idea, Erik! I’ll pass your thoughts along to our product team, but you can also feel free to detail them more through a feature request.