Forum Discussion

RozGilmour's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Cannot group an image to a shape to allow variables

I have circles where the user will click on each to display more information.  Once the user has clicked on all of them (in any order) an exit course button will appear.  This all works fine with the triggers I have created along with the T/F variable IconsClicked.

My issue is in these circles, I want to add an image, but as soon as I do that, the user can either click on the image or the circle, so now my variables wont work.  I cannot group them as that is not an option given.  If the user clicks on the image, the information appears and then the exit course button.  However the user may click on the shape rather than the image and here lies my problem.

I have tried various ways but now getting into a muddle.  Any help greatly appreciated.  I have added the slide as an attachment



  • AndrewHanley's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Roz, I'm not at my computer so can't check out your story file yet, however...

    If you simply use a layer for each of the information images, then they won't be clickable, leaving just the circles as the only clickable thing.

    You can even choose whether or not you want to show all the layers simultaneously, one at a time, or even to fade out after a button click or set time period.

    Does that help at all?

  • RozGilmour's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks for replying Andrew

    Im not sure how adding the images to other layers will work.  When I do this, I no longer see the image.  I have Hide other Slide Layers unticked.  I must be missing the obvious?


  • RozGilmour's avatar
    Community Member

    I also added a trigger on the baselayer to show the image layer when the timeline starts on the baselayer.  This isnt working either.  I see the image, but cant click on any part of the circle (only parts around the image)

  • Nedim's avatar
    Community Member

    Have you considered adding images to the circle's states? Then add a visited state to each circle. This way a circle and an image will be clickable as one object. See the attached example.  

  • AndrewHanley's avatar
    Community Member

    Sorry Roz, I only got to my computer now.

    I downloaded your file and made a few changes. Let me know if that works now. (see attachment)

    I had misunderstood your description earlier; apologies.
    As soon as I opened your Story file I saw exactly what you meant and the problems.

    What I did to fix it:
    - as Nedim suggested, you should have the images for each circle button within the States of the circle itself. This way the whole circle is clickable and acts as one object. NOTE - while this works, it makes it a bit of a pain if you want to change the images because now you have to update each circle 3 times for the 3 states. A better way would have been to create the circle and the icon, then group them together and use the group for the states, rather than the individual icon image. Then any future changes would be straight forward.

    - anyways, I then added in the simple trigger "SHOW LAYER" for each of the circle buttons

    - I made the EXIT button's "INITIAL STATE" set to hidden. This means you dont need the extra trigger.

    - and finally, you dont actually need a variable for this type of interaction. Its better to do it with the STATE function. Have a look at the trigger I created. It changes the EXIT button to Normal only when the State of all your circle buttons are "VISITED" ie. the user has clicked them. The advantage here is not just simplicity by removing a variable, and having just one trigger - its also that the STATE change works if the user leaves your course half way through and returns. The states of the circles would be saved, whereas your T/F variable might not (depending on SCORM version)

    Anyways, I hope that makes some sense, and gets a solution for you!
    Let me know if you have any questions. :)

  • RozGilmour's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you both so much.  I never thought about adding the images into the states!  I will replicate this for better understanding.  I am still quite new to triggers and variables, so am happy you have simplified them for me.  The capabilities are amazing - its just finding out best ways to do them.

    Thanks again


  • AndrewHanley's avatar
    Community Member

    Couldnt agree more Roz!
    Half our battle is knowing these things exist in the first place :)

    Good luck on the Storyline journey!