Forum Discussion

MaryMichelini's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) Program Recommendations

I am wondering if anyone could recommend CAT programs/tools you have used for translating your courses?   

Further, I will not necessarily translate entire courses; perhaps sections of courses.  Can Storyline's translation export/import tool work with sections of courses?

  • MaryMichelini's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks Leslie! It looks like we can use the specially formatted Word document to export and import selected areas of a course for translation if necessary.

  • PhiilpStaiger's avatar
    Community Member

    Are there CAT tools that can identify just the "Translated" right-most column's cells of the multiple tables in the docx and expose just those for translation? This would greatly reduce the time to translate with machine translation The quality (and ability to customize) with neural machine translation has evolved to the point that very little post editing is needed in many cases. CAT tools used to set the threshold for fuzzy at 75% whereas now I see them often at 95% and higher because the machine pre-translation does such a good job that it's good enough in many cases to use the MT instead of the low fuzzy.   So I am wondering, is there a list of known CAT tools (Smartcat, Trados, XTM, MemoQ,..etc..?) that have a good parsing capability for the docx format from Articulate Storyline, and will drastically speed up the translation process with combined use of MT (inside the CAT tool) ?