Forum Discussion

FaffieKhan's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

change to just complete


On my result slide, can I have a trigger that is complete/failed?


Thank you.

  • The short answer is no - triggers provide you with the two options you see here.

    I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish but you can set this under the Publish settings page.

    Figure out the behavior of your specific course by creating an account on SCORM cloud and test behavior there. 

    As I understand it, most LMS's (if not all) will track the course as complete as long as the completion requirements are met - i.e. complete the quiz (evevn though they fail it). The course is marked as complete even if the user fails the quiz. This is the basis for the reporting where the LMS captures the number of tries, the score percent etc. In this case you wouldn't need triggers. It all happens automatically as long as you track the quiz.