Forum Discussion

DawnBarker-7f2c's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Checkboxes/layers and narration

I have another slide that's stumping me. On it, I have a base layer with content and narration, as well as a series of input markers (check boxes). When checked (selected state), each will show a layer with further content and brief narration. My issue is that if a learner goes through it quickly and impatiently, the narration layers over each other. I tried to add the content and narration to the 'selected state' of the checkboxes, but that caused more overlapping and repetition as the narration started and restarted when the checkbox was hovered over.

I've attached the slide here; does anyone have any suggestions of a good, simple way to present this? I really appreciate your help!

  • MichaelHinze's avatar
    Community Member

    To stop the audio from "overlapping", make sure that for each layer, the Hide other slide layers option is selected in the layer properties dialog.

  • Thanks, Michael. But then it hides the wording that the checkbox reveals. I've made do by adding the wording to the Selected state of the checkbox, and leaving the audio on the file, then hiding other slide layers. 
    It's not perfect, as when you go through and unselect and deselect a checkbox, it plays the audio from the point it was at when you deselected it, though.
    But I appreciate your advice - it was what spurred me on to think of the combination of layers and states solution.