Forum Discussion

GregDeLaere-08b's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Clicking on one item in a group changes other items to "visited" state

Hello all,

I am attempting to create a scrolling menu (still a work in progress) but there is one issue I am having: 

I have all menu buttons grouped together so that clicking on the arrows moves all of the buttons left or right. 

This seems to cause an issue with the visited states. The desire is for each button to turn to visited when clicked independently. However, because they are grouped together, it seems that when one button is clicked, all buttons turn to the visited state.

I could probably remove the grouping and create motion paths for each button, but that seems tedious. I was hoping someone has discovered another way?

(pls note: still a work in progress. I am adding triggers to prevent over-scrolling eventually. Wanting to solve this issue first)

See attached SL file 

Thanks in advance!

  • It's the built-in function of the Visited state that is causing the problem. For each step, for both the picture and the oval, edit their states, choose Visited, use the pencil icon to rename "Visited " to something else. SL will automatically change all the triggers that use that state from "Visited" to the new name. In the process, you lose the built-in change to Visited when clicked, but since that is what is causing the problem, you don't care. Since you already have triggers to change the state , you should be good to go. See buttons 4 - 6 in the attached version.