Forum Discussion

SusanForrester's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Confused - New to E-learning, Articulate, and LMS


I am relatively new to eLearning, Articulate 360, and using an LMS.  I think I may have put the horse before the cart and am having trouble figuring out the compatibility of Articulate 360 to the LMS we are using.  Could you help me clarify what I need to make this work.

The LMS we have now is LearnUpon. They use SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 (3rd and 4th edition).  They are also compliant with Tin Can.  However, 

I am seeing things like Exam interactions transcripts not available in 2004.

"As stated in the knowledge base article, I'm afraid "the Exams/Interactions transcript report is not currently available for SCORM 2004". The report is supported for SCORM 1.2 but perhaps this could be an issue on the Rise side if they're not sending the interactions. "

"We are seeing the same thing with the SCORM that there is no interactions in the LMSFinish event which is the term for the completion statement of the SCORM."
"So you will need to work with Articulate to get the interactions to come through in that event."

I am sorry this is so long.  I guess my questions are - What information is  relayed from Rise360 and Storyline to the LMS in SCORM 1.2 (should I be able to get exam information?)

Do you know what they mean by LMS Finish?  Is that a setting the I have to set up in Articulate for it to be read in the LMS.  

Also on the information from Articulate, Knowledge checks are not tracked and Storyline blocks put into rise are not tracked as well.  Am I understanding that correctly?

Thank you so much.  Also, If I am not asking the correct questions, please let me know.  Thank you so much.  Susan Forrester, Staff Development Coordinator

  • These articles describe what quiz data is sent to the LMS: 

    How that data is retrieved depends on the LMS.

    Typically, an LMS automatically marks a course as successfully completed when the user has met the designated criteria. My guess is that "LMS Finish" refers to someone successfully completing the course.

    • In Rise, a course can be tracked using one of these methods:  course completion (that is, view a designated percentage of the course); quiz result; or storyline block with a completion trigger.
    • In Storyline, a course can be also tracked via viewing a designed percentage of the course, passing a quiz, or running a completion trigger. However, multiple options can be used. The course will be marked "complete" using whichever criterion is met first. 

    The publishing standard has an impact. Perhaps most important: SCORM 1.2 has a very low limit for suspend data. That's the data the Articulate software stores in the LMS to allow users to exit a course and resume where they left off. If the course data exceeds the limit, a user might resume earlier in the course, which means they would have to repeat content. So definitely publish with SCORM 2004, edition 3 or 4. That standard has a much higher limit.

    Knowledge Check blocks in Rise are not tracked. The only way to track questions in Rise is to add a Quiz. Only one Quiz can be used to track completion. 

    Interactions and questions in Storyline blocks in Rise are not tracked, either. But Rise can track completion via a Storyline block if that block has a "Complete course" trigger. 

  • Thank you so much for the clarification and the links.  I will take a look at those.  I appreciate your quick response.