Forum Discussion
Continue Block at the end of the Quiz Results
Hello All.
My client likes that I have placed "Continue to Next Lesson" blocks at the end of each lesson, and I am wondering if this is possible with the Quiz Block. It does not seem as if there is an option to modify the template to make this happen. Is my only option to design the quiz in Storyline where I can customize the results page and then import that block into Rise? Please see image and provide your advice. I really value this community.
Hi there, Rob. Depending on how you have your navigation set up for the course, you'll either have the standard Next button that you see in your screenshot, or you'll have a quiz-specific continue button that is enabled only if the sidebar is turned off for the course, and you've disabled the standard Next/Previous buttons for the course.
I'm going to add your thoughts to our feature request list so we can follow up with you if we make a change that will help!
Hi there, Rob! I’m thrilled to announce we’ve added an option to choose a continue button style on the quiz results page. Now, your learners will see the familiar continue button that adopts your course theme color if you select this option in the quiz settings.
We’re here if you have questions about how this feature works.
- MeghanMcKayCommunity Member
Hi Articulate, thank you for the option to add the 'CONTINUE' button after the quiz! I really appreciate this so we can have continuity of navigation in the course since we usually have a "Congratulations/What's Next" type lesson block after the quiz.
Two piece of feedback I'm hoping you can pass on to the dev team:
1) Minor OCD-Type-A thing, but for consistency, can they please have the button say 'CONTINUE' (capital letters) rather than 'Continue' just for consistency with all of the other 'CONTINUE' buttons in the course.
2) Our eLearning team recently got stuck at the end of the quiz. It didnt' matter whether we had "Standard Next Lesson" or 'Continue Button" selected, we could not navigate forward past the quiz results and therefore couldn't complete the course (i.e. get to our Congratulations block after the quiz). We resolved this by turning on "Previous & Next Buttons" in the course settings.
Although we resolved our own problem, the solution made no sense to us for two reasons:
1) Turning the 'Previous and Next Buttons' setting on didn't seem do what it says "(i.e. Add previous and next navigation buttons at the start and end of each lesson). This is perhaps because we have a sidebar menu open and use CONTINUE blocks to transition between lessons, but it's not intuitively clear to a developer what effect the 'Previous and Next' button setting has in that case.
2) It was not obvious that there was any relationship between "Previous and Next Buttons" in a course, with getting stuck on the quiz. It was only by fluke of reading some old forums that I saw there was some sort of relationship between navigating past the results of a quiz and the settings of the whole course.
It might help to have some sort of brief explanation on that Previous and Next button setting (i.e. This setting MUST be turned on to navigate to any lessons beyond a quiz), just to help developers see the relationship between that setting and the quiz more clearly.
Thanks in advance for your consideration of this! - LeaSAgatoStaff
Thanks for sharing your feedback Meghan!
For the continue button, you can customize the labels on your course to change the text on the Continue button. You can change it here:
For your second issue, we’d love to take a closer look into this. Would you mind sharing the following screenshots from your course so we can troubleshoot the issue further:
- Course > Settings > Navigation
- Quiz Settings