Forum Discussion

MargaretReeve-b's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Creating an accessible sequencing activity in Storyline

I'm trying to create an accessible sequencing activity, where users must be able to show the correct order to complete an activity.
So, if I wanted the user to learn to write an essay, the user might be given 3 options:
The task must allow the user to show they know the correct sequence of events:

I don't want to use drag and drop as I want this to be accessible to those who use a keyboard only. Any suggestions for what I could use instead? For reference, there are 8 stages that I need my user to be able to sequence correctly.

Thanks in advance!

  • Hey Margaret. That's a tough one isn't it. I had a similar situation with one of my courses and ended up creating motion paths for every object which were triggered by different key presses. It worked fine - though mine was much simpler than the 8 stages you're facing!
    Good luck!

  • Hi Justin,
    I'm really hoping that I don't have to create separate motion paths each time :)
    I'm hoping someone clever will chime in with a simple yet brilliant solution!!

  • Hi Margaret, Have you looked at the Sequence Drop-down in the Graded Questions? Based on what you said above, I think that would be a good option. But if it's not, just let us know! 

  • Hi Ginger,

    No I haven't looked at Sequence Drop-down as I've never heard of it until now! I'll take a look. Is there any training on it?

    Thank you very much for the suggestion.

    • GingerSwart's avatar

      This webinar covers working with form-based questions. I think a different question type is used, but the steps are similar. Please let me know if you have any questions!