Forum Discussion

JohnnaHodges-04's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Creative way to share online resources

I am struggling to find a creative way to display/share a list of online resources within my online class.  I don't want to simply list the organizations along with their URLs.  I was hoping this group might be able to provide some ideas.  I am comfortable with most of the Articulate tools.  I have about 20 resources that I would like to share. 

Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions.



  • How about putting your resources together in Rise and publishing to Review. Then you can share them and also interact with the community who leave comments on them.

  • Hi Johnna! To go along with what Joanne said, Rise 360 might be a great solution. You can easily create a resource guide that looks beautiful on any device. I haven't seen any specific examples on the topic, but you can take a look at this article. It includes a variety of ways course creators are using Rise 360 for making projects that aren’t your typical e-learning course. I hope that sparks some new ideas! 

  • Thank you, Sarah, Joanne, and Cheryl, for your suggestions.

    Cheryl, I really like your NHS Resource list.  It is very engaging.  Well done!  It sure is a lot better than an HTML page with links.   

    Best Regards,
