Forum Discussion
New Matching lay-out
Last week we received the updated lay-out of the matching knowledge check. The moment I discovered it was a bit unlucky (during a presentation, got me a bit confused) but today I had some time to look into it.
The changelog as following on the articulate website:
Enhanced: Matching knowledge check blocks have been upgraded with intuitive navigation, full keyboard support, and comprehensive screen reader integration.
Now, I think it's great that Articulate is improving it's software's accessibility, however, I don't see anything intuitive about the new design. A lot of new things have been added which for me only make the assignment more confusing. On the left side the hamburger icon and number suggest some sort of clickability, which is not there. The drop downs on the right give the assignment a new layer of intractability which only wouldn't want for the student. Overall the lay-out is a lot less clean and drains focus away from the content towards the design.
Maybe a simple solution would be to add a slider which let's us choose between this lay-out and the previous one (or this one without the rings and bells).
That's just my opinion, I was wondering what other think of the new lay-out!
- olaolaCommunity Member
Exactly, the number in the box is very confusing from a UX perspective. Additionally, the new exercise format is highly problematic for users. I often use exercises where participants need to put elements in the correct order. In the left column, I put the elements to arrange, and in the right column, the numbers.
Now, next to my numbers, there are additional numbers to choose from, which creates a lot of chaos. For me, the ideal solution would be a separate exercise specifically designed for arranging elements in the correct order, or at least a return to the previous version :(
- Thom392Community Member
Oh yeah, hadn't even thought of that yet. Now this is similar to the process element where you can change the label text on the top but are forced to have a consecutive number displaying behind that.
- KatieWhyrickCommunity Member
I agree with you 100%. This update created a serious workflow issue for us on a project that was near implementation. We had to re-work all the matching scenarios into Storyline blocks. I appreciate the attempt at accessibility, but this change wasn't carefully vetted.
- SusanSewellCommunity Member
exactly I just looked at a project I last worked on a month ago and this question just looks unusable to me now. I have an image with numbered points on it, and numbers in the right column; the user is to drag the appropriate label next to the number, but now there are numbers all over the place and I didn't even recongize my activity. I think I might just have to make a Storyline block where I can use a regular drag-and-drop.... UGH. the fact that this is retroactive means I need to think about every project I've done with matching now to go see if it still makes sense.
- WendyRijkhoffCommunity Member
We also often add an image with numbered points in the matching question and now this indeed has become very confusing and not workable anymore. We will also submit a support case.
- FonterraAccountCommunity Member
Absolutely agree that the new layout is complicated and confusing and not at all helpful for an activity that requires the learner to put items in order. Please change it back!
- Chris_HamlinCommunity Member
I came here hoping that I was doing something wrong when creating my matching activity. I agree that this is extremely confusing. I will not be able to use the matching activity if this is what it looks like. My peers testing the course were confused and they were part of the design and develop processes. I had to number the items in my knowledge check and now there are numbers all over the place and I agree with previous users - the numbers on the left add nothing but confusion.
- PhilFossCommunity Member
I believe the numbers are there as part of the accessibility improvement, but for sighted people its very confusing. I'm not an accessibility expert, but I don't 'see' why the numbers can't be hidden for sighted people. I built a quick theme component that hides the numbers (visually), and created more of an interlocking UI. I also added a 'droppable' color to the item when its able to be dropped upon- otherwise its very difficult to know when you can drop. There is a CSS hook available in the code for the droppable state.
- ANGEAMATAGACommunity Member
Hi Phil,
How did you build the quick component feature? Is this something that can be done in rise or storyline? Or does this involve more complicated coding?
- PhilFossCommunity Member
Hi Ang this is done with CSS and one little image. Here's a video showing the theme component and you can download my source code.
There are actually several states if you want to fully design this UI. I'm using the 'connected' and 'droppable-active' states using light blue colors.
- SarahSampara-24Community Member
We are also experiencing this issue. The addition of the numerical drop-down within the matching questions is confusing both for me and for our end users.
This is especially true when it comes to ordering questions, which I use a lot in the training I develop. (See attached screenshot with before and after.)
Like others on this thread, I am wondering if there is any possibility of:
- Returning to the previous version of the matching question,
- A new type of question just for ordering being added in Rise and/or
- Expanded drop-down options for this new version becoming available (with a, b, c, d, etc.) to make ordering questions less confusing.
Thank you!
- AdamGibbsCommunity Member
Yes, this is a stupid update. Who tested this from a users perspective? It is super confusing.
Please go back to the previous version, or make this a setting that can be activated.
- SharyonHolness-Community Member
This "update" is so confusing from both the user and designer perspective. I was just finishing a course (already sponsor approved) and while it was in it's final QA review, the question format was changed. This made the directions and interaction no longer usable. I've been trying to work around it with directions, images, and removing one of the options, but that's ridiculous (and not at all clear for the user). I had to eliminate one of the four choices because unless the user uses both the left mouse button and the wheel simultaneously, they are not able to drag below the visible window. All in all, I'm going to have to scrap these questions in the course and try to recreate them in Storyline (which I definitely do not have that built into the project timeline). This should have been an optional change and certainly not something that just replaces existing work. So very frustrated!
- FonterraAccountCommunity Member
Another possibility would be to change the new numbers to a. b. c. d. options? At least that would make more sense if the question is about ordering the items on the left to match numbers of the right...
- olaolaCommunity Member
Does anyone from Articulate read these messages? Maybe we should write to them directly, reporting that this update is ruining the functionality of our courses?
- FonterraAccountCommunity Member
I have submitted a help ticket using the Contact Support Team link at the bottom of this page and suggest more people do the same
- KatieWhyrickCommunity Member
I personally feel like any type of sequencing shouldn't be used. Maybe shapes? If you sequence a, b, c etc. it still indicates a particular order in my brain.
- RonAustin-9e0ffCommunity Member
I agree about how confusing the update is - and it's particularly frustrating if I have to go back through hundreds of existing content items to change this type of question because it no longer makes sense to any users! It looks like Phil created something that works for both accessibility and from a user perspective - can that please be implemented instead?
- Thom392Community Member
Any chance someone from Articulate can give a response on your thoughts? I'd like to know if I need to start changing all exercises, which don't work anymore in the new layout, or if we can expect a proper solution coming our way.