Forum Discussion

MicheleMatyus's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Matching question in the quiz section.

I have created a couple of "matching" quiz questions and both have down key arrows included with the answers. When I create a "matching" knowledge check there is no down arrow key in the answer. Let me know if an image would help describe this issue. 

  • Hi MicheleMatyus,

    Thanks for reaching out! I understand that the down key arrows are not visible in the answer to your matching quiz questions.

    A screenshot or, better yet, a copy of your Storyline slides can indeed help us visualize the problem and share recommendations.

    Would you be willing to share these with us so we can look at what you have set up? You may also share them privately by sending them along in a support case. We'll delete them when we're done testing.

  • Hi, I am using Rise360 for this course. This is a quiz question in the course using "Match". The screenshot shot shows a drop down box by the answer and when clicking on the drop down is shows numbers. Is this something new? What is it for and can it be removed?

  • Hello MicheleMatyus,

    Happy to help!

    You're seeing the expected behavior for the matching activity in a Rise 360 block. For keyboard users, the drop-down arrows are an alternative way to match the left column with the right column and make the block more accessible. There isn't a way to remove them, but their presence shouldn't interfere with the blocks overall functionality.

      • ChrisBurton-697's avatar
        Community Member

        There needs to be a way to turn this off, or perhaps allow the option to use A, B, C instead. I sent a course for review at the beginning of this month, before this was changed, and now all my stakeholders have commented about how confusing it is. The question I used was a "place these items in order" and the matches were "do this first," "do this second," do this third." You can imagine the confusion in putting numerical items in the wrong order to match up with a first/second/third ordering.

  • ADIELUFF's avatar
    Community Member

    I 100% agree with ChrisBurton-697!! This is an "odd" enhancement! Considering Rise360 is predominantly used for mobile learning authoring, to make a nuclear change for those using keyboards feels backwards. This needs to be an option that can be toggled on and off... When the correct answers are numbers and then there are other numbers next the options, it's really confusing! Step backwards for me!!