Forum Discussion

AlisonCoops-021's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Display and duplicate issues

I've created course with a story size of 1289 x 967 because it has screen recordings. I'm sometimes working on a laptop with a 1920 x 1080 size, sometimes on a larger monitor. I have not experienced these problems working on a larger monitor.  Shapes (rectangles) are not appearing their full size on the screen. They are fine in preview and when published.  This is just a minor annoyance and has been going on for some time.  Today, in something that appears to be related, but might be completely separate, I duplicated a couple of objects, but the lines (both outlines and lines) get bigger on each duplication, going from a weight of 1 pt to 5 pt to 8 pt, not just on the screen but even in preview.  What's going on? I'm using Storyline 3.

  • And I don't know if it's related, but some of my graphics which look fine on the slide are getting mysteriously cropped to a fraction of their size when published.

  • BeccaLevan's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Alison,

    Thanks for reaching out and sharing what you're experiencing. I can certainly understand how this would be annoying, and I'm here to help!

    • If Storyline 3 isn't working correctly, a simple repair usually fixes the problem: Repair Storyline 3.

    If you don't see improvement from a repair, I'd recommend connecting with a support engineer to help troubleshoot! Feel free to share your file here, and someone from my team will reach out with a next step!

  • Good morning, I did a repair and it appeared to resolve the problem, but, as I said, I work on different monitors and I work on different courses, so I wasn't sure.  Now I'm working on a completely different course, regular size (720 x 405) I'm working on my laptop (1920 x 1080) and I am again having the issue of many objects being visually cropped on screen (but not in preview or when published) and a few other objects looking fine on the screen but being actually cropped when published. I was using the Windows display setting to change the size of text, apps, and other items to 125% because it's hard to see things on my 13.5" laptop monitor, and was suspicious that was related to the visual cropping on the screen, so I tested it.  Not only did changing that Windows setting fix the display problem, but also the actual cropping in the published output. This seems like a bug in Storyline that should be fixed. Now I've changed my display resolution to the lower than recommended 1600 x 900 and 100% and things seem to be fine.