Do slide master 'title' boxes matter for accessibility features?
Hi community! I am reviewing a Storyline 360 template that a contractor is building for us. I want to ensure the accessibility features are set up and used appropriately but I am not sure how all the recent updates function or if they override previous elements. My key question is around slide titles.
The text has been set up using Text Styles tagged with H1, H2, etc. But I noticed that some slides have all text as "Slide text" boxes. Does it matter if the heading box on a master slide is a "Slide title" or not? Will this affect screen reader accessibility or any other features?
I have attached a plain example showing the title with both H2 applied and using a 'Slide title' box (yellow highlight), and example of the plain 'Slide text' boxes (red circle). This is what I expect to see, but I have some slides where the title box is 'Slide text' rather than 'Slide title'.