Forum Discussion
Error when publishing
Could be anything... that's a pretty generic error message. What I would do (if you haven't already) - is:
1. Check the size of your course... it could be utterly huge and maybe crashing the app
2. If it's not huge... check the location of imported files like videos, if they reside on servers not local to your machine, the path to them maybe too long for SL to cope with.
3. Save a copy of the course on your local machine, including any resources you've added in to it. So for example, if you have added videos, make sure those videos are on your local machine and the path to them is pretty short. Something like... "YourCourse/Videos/video1.mpeg" instead of YourCourse/OnSomeServerSomewhereIntheUniverse/ThatThePathIsTooLong/ForStoylinetoCopeWith/AndHasABrainAneurysm.mpeg
Shouldn't have to do all of this tbh... but these are three of the main things I do if I get any kind of error... unless the error is specific, it's difficult to narrow it down.
Hope that helps