Forum Discussion

DeirdreShuel1's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Font Size Changes when Fading Text By Paragraph

Font Size Changes when Fading Text By Paragraph - This seems to happen somewhat randomly but when I fade in text by pargraph, some of the bulleted text is a larger font size than other bullets in the same list. 

Chrome Code Inspector will show the element as having the same computed font size. But viewing a screen shot of the text in Photoshop reveals that the size of same characters is different in different lines - for example, in my attached file, you will see that the letter "e" in the top bulleted point is larger than the one in the 4th bullet point

Any advice would be hugely appreciated as my client is going to notice this :-(


  • BeccaLevan's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks for sharing your project, Deirdre!

    I'm not having luck replicating what you're describing—here's what I see after I publish to Review 360.

    Does this only happen in one specific file? If so, try importing the slides into a new Storyline file to see if that helps. We'll figure out our next move from there!

  • I have a very similar issue with textboxes that fade in from right or left. They would look fine in Preview mode, but would change size (and even proportion) when published. 

    I figured out that changing the textboxes from No Fill to Solid Fill with 100% Transparency seemed to stabilize the textbox and now they all display the way I intended them to. 

    I would like to provide the source SL360 file to the Articulate Team if that would help address this bug. At least I found a solution, but I'm not sure why it works!