Forum Discussion

CaitlinBowes's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Help me solve this drag and drop challenge

Here is my drag and drop. The learner will read the job description above and drag the title to the correct position. That part is working just fine.

The Challenge:
How can I change the state of the characters and colored circles behind them based on whether the title dragged to their open box is correct or incorrect?

For example:
- If I drag "Partners Team" (or any other incorrect choice) to the box under the character on the far left, he changes state to "confused". 

The only way I can figure out how to do this is with 36 different triggers: "if answer 1 dragged to box 1 then..., if answer 2 dragged to box 1 then..., etc"

Would love some advice from the community! 

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Caitlin!

      Thanks for reaching out and sharing your .story file! It sounds like you had some questions about drop targets changing their state when a potential answer is hovered over them.

      I see that you've already opened a support case and connected with my colleague Johnrey. You're in great hands working one on one with him! It looks like Johnrey replied to your e-mail with some feedback and a modified version of your project file to use as a reference!

      Please let us know if that does the trick, or if you have any more questions! We'd be happy to continue this conversation over in your support case.