Forum Discussion

JackeyTaggart's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Help with Storyline 360 Triggers


I am new to Storyline and am working on a lesson. I am struggling with my Main Menu.  I have the states on my buttons set for Normal, Hover, and Visited for 3 of my 4 buttons and the 4th to change from Hidden to Normal once the previous 3 buttons have been Visited.  When I preview just this slide, the triggers work fine.  The issue occurs when I preview or publish the whole lesson, the first three buttons remain in the Hover state and never register as Visited, so the 4th button will not appear. 

I have attached a screenshot showing the triggers for my first button.  A screenshot showing a preview of just the one slide after I have clicked each of the top three buttons so they register as Visited, and a screenshot showing the full lesson preview after I have clicked each button, but the buttons stay in the Hover state, so the 4th button (Let's Review) does not appear. 

Total newbie to Storyline 360, so any help is appreciated. :)

  • Hi, Jackey. 

    When using Built-in states (hover, visited, etc.), there's no need to create a trigger to change the object into that state. The logic is all done by Storyline for you.

    Try removing those triggers to see if the project will work as expected. If you're still experiencing issues, please share the .story file so we can help you troubleshoot! 

  • JackeyTaggart's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Maria!

    I am attaching the file as your response is not clear to me (sorry, total newbie!)  I watched the OnDemand training - Beginner's Guide to Storyline 360 before making my lesson and followed the directions presented there for creating triggers.  

    Also, why does my Menu (on the left when I preview and publish) appear out of order?  It does not follow the lesson.

  • Hi, Jackey.

    Thank you for sharing the .story file!

    I'm happy to clarify my explanation! I think it's easier if I show you what I mean instead, so here's a very short Peek 360 recording with the explanation while I go through your project.

    I hope this helps!

  • I'm so happy to hear it, Jackey!

    I just wanted to add a quick note: it looks like your signature with contact information came through when you replied via email. You can remove it by clicking 'Edit' below your response. Here's a quick Peek 360 video if you need help.