Forum Discussion

JackArmstrong's avatar
Community Member
18 days ago

How to create "lesson" breaks in Storyline?

I created a course that has several Modules in Storyline 360.  All good there.  I published it to Reach 360.  Worked great!  However, now that people are taking the course, I show that anyone who enrolls, shows on the "activity" report that they are in progress, with 0% progress, even if they've been in the course for an hour... and it shows that they've only viewed 1 lesson.  That's for any learner who has "in progress" as their status.  How can I put in a trigger, or something else, so that it shows a "lesson" has been achieved at the end of each module?

  • You can split the course into separate modules.
    Or you can add hidden questions that are marked correct and track via a results slide.


    • JackArmstrong's avatar
      Community Member

      I have it broken into modules, but it still just shows that there is 0% progress, and only one lesson viewed.  The hidden question might be an option - but I'm not certain that I fully understand it.  Do I have to have a results slide in order for the learner to show that they are making progress?