Forum Discussion
The .story file did not get attached. You can't attach one using a phone, you have to come here with a browser and use the Add Attachment button.
Meanwhile, reading your description, it sounds like the motion path was attached to a different object, perhaps a different object in the group. If you select the animations tab, you should see two circles for each motion path that exists on that slide or layer. (If they share the exact same starting and ending points, one will cover the other, but if you move one a little, you can see the other.)
Groups never play nicely with motion paths (or a lot of other things, for that matter). Experience has shown me that you will be a lot happier if you flatten your group into a single object. The two best ways to do that are:
1. Select all the objects in the group, right click, and export as an image. then insert the image.
2. Select all the objects but one and copy them. Edit the states of the uncopied one, and in Normal state, paste the copied objects.
Either of those methods will make the group one object, and it will respond correctly to triggers, states, clicks, resizing, and motion paths.