Forum Discussion

jeff's avatar
Community Member
13 years ago

How to... select an avatar as a main character for your course

Hi folks,

I guess the title says it all I want to create something where a user can select one of multiple characters before starting a course... That character will then be the main character in the course.

I had a look at Mike Enders screenr here and figured I'd so something with placing all characters over each other and enable/disable them based on a variable. Mike countered that you could do something with one object and have all character options as states but that seems complex to me especially if I want my main character in different poses.

If I take it a step further I'd perhaps like the character that haven't been chosen to play a part in the scenario...

Anyone got some brilliant ideas?

  • Hi, Lynda.

    Thank you for reaching out!

    The first trigger you mentioned is correct: set character to value Jennifer when the user clicks Jennifer. You need a variable (Character) to receive the value the user selected. 

    Once the variable is set, you can change the character's state based on that value.

    I recorded a short Peek 360 overview (3mins) with the changes I suggest for your project. 

    Let me know if you have additional questions! 

  • MichaelHinze's avatar
    Community Member

    Have a look at the attached and see if that's what you wanted. I used a variable "SelectedCharacter". Clicking either character will set the variable. On the next slide then, based on the variable value, I set the appropriate character's state to Normal.

  • Hi Deanna, 

    Thanks so much for reaching out!

    I've touched base with David, and I'm happy to share updated links with you:


    Demo in Review 360

    Slide Masters

    Demo in Review 360

    I want to confirm that David has also shared the source files for each demo within the comments section of each Review 360 link. 

    Sneak Peek at the comments section:

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions. ✨