Forum Discussion
Hyperlink hover effect on text that breaks over lines
When I create a hyperlink that breaks over more than one line using the Hyperlink feature it only activates the hover effect over one line per time rather than over the whole string of text. Can someone help me with this problem?
Hello Everyone!
I wanted to share some good news! We are no longer seeing the bug where a hyperlink line extends past the characters if the linked text reaches a line break (Storyline version 3.72.29699.0).
To confirm or update your version of Storyline:
- Launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your Windows machine.
- Click the drop-down arrow next to Storyline 360 and select Other Versions.
- Here you will see the current version being used, or have the option to update.
Please let us know if you're still encountering the issue and we'd be happy to continue troubleshooting with you in a support case.
Hey Benedetta,
Thanks so much for reaching out here!
I tried to recreate what your describing and the highlight effect still worked for me over multiple lines of the same hyperlink.
I'm going to need your help to figure out what's happening here. Can you share your .story file here with me so I can take a closer look? You can add it as an attachment right here in a comment like this:
Thanks again!
- KellyWatson-9baCommunity Member
I've been having the same problem with hyperlink text on two lines. Please see attached storyline file.
Hey Kelly!
Thanks for sharing your file with me, I do see what you're describing. The hyperlink hover effect is breaking between lines in HTML5. I did discover that it doesn't behave that way in the the Flash output, however.
I've reported it to my team as a possible software bug in Storyline 360. From here, I’ll meet with my team to take a closer look so we can determine next steps. Sometimes my team catches errors in my logic and we don’t have a bug after all. Of course, if that’s the case, I’ll let you know!
Depending on priority and risk, some bugs can be fixed quickly, while others take longer to resolve. Here's more information on how we identify and tackle bugs.
I’ll let you know as soon as we have an update on this issue. Thanks so much again for letting us know about this, and I’m sorry if it’s slowing you down.
- APAcademyCommunity Member
Hi Ali, This bug was noted 3 years ago. And it's still not fixed. Can you please raise the issue? Thank you!
- MelanieByersCommunity Member
I am also having this issue. Please help. I don't understand why this has taken so long to correct.
- NicolaFern-0297Community Member
Hi Nicola,
Thanks for those screenshots! The bug Ali mentioned earlier in this thread happens when a hyperlink drops on to a second line of text. When the mouse hovers over the hyperlink, the hover breaks into individual lines.
It sounds like you're experiencing something a bit different, though. Have you tried clicking the Clear Formatting button to remove the hover?
- GeorgVolmerCommunity Member
I've been experiencing the same problem as Benedetta and Kelly. Please let me know if there is any update on this issue.
Hi Georg,
The issue reported here where a Hyperlink hover breaks over multiple lines of one hyperlink in the HTML5 output is still open with our team. This discussion is linked though so once we do have more information to share we'll post here! Now that you've responded you'll be subscribed for updates too.
- GrahamClark-4abCommunity Member
Hi Guys. I'm having exactly the same problem in Storyline 3. Is there an update on this issue?
Hey Graham,
Thanks for checking in. We're still investigating this issue in Storyline 3. As soon as we have a fix in place, we'll let you know. You'll be notified immediately since you're subscribed to this discussion. 😊
- KarenSiugzdaCommunity Member
I am also having this issue of "broken hover" on hyperlink text that spans multiple lines. Is there an update or resolution. Looks like it's been a problem for quite a while!
I use SL3.
Please advise,