Forum Discussion

GlennMcKenney-4's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Interaction plus Object Trigger restricts Next button until previous slide revisited, then player sets Next button to "Normal" state

Storyline version 3.79.30921.0 (organization controlled)


Storyline player Menu is set to "Restricted" and the Next and Previous buttons also set to restricted.

Project has multiple custom interaction slides. Interactions consist of clicking on objects (shapes) to reveal layers - OR - change states of another, non-interactive object. An Object Trigger changes the state of the Next button to "Normal" when ALL clickable objects achieve the "Visited" state.

Question: Does the presence of this Object Trigger require the player to maintain the Next button's "Disabled" state until the event (When) of the Object Trigger is achieved?

Note: When the Object Trigger is disabled, the player changes the Next button state from "Disabled" to "Normal" when the slide Timeline reaches the end.


The user navigates to the interactive slide. Slide timeline ends, Next button remains in the "Disabled" state. Click Menu on player and the player displays a checkmark next to the interactive slide title. User navigates to ANY previous slide and then proceeds to navigate back the interactive slide. The Next button has changed to its "Normal" state and the user is able to navigate to the next slide without completing the interaction.

Expected Player Behavior

The expected player behavior is that the slide title display on the Menu is accompanied by a lock icon and the Next button remains in the "Disabled" state until the Object Trigger event (when all objects are in the "Visited" state) is achieved.


I was able to apply a fix using a combination of adding one Slide Trigger and setting the slide revisit option to either "Automatically decide" or "Resume saved state", but I believe any fix should be unnecessary. The added Slide Trigger is in the attached file and is currently disabled so that the issue replicates when previewing the entire project.

Rubber Meets Road

Is there something else I need to do to setup my interaction to work properly with the player and the Next button or is there something about the player and/or Storyline that is broken or out of my control?

  • Hi Glenn, 

    Thanks so much for reaching out! I see that you've opened a support case and that you're working with my colleague Mick. You're in great hands!

    We'll continue the conversation over in your case. 

    Have a great day!