Forum Discussion

MaryBethMaid674's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Issue with Quiz Results Slide for Essay Questions

Wondering how to resolve this:

We have an Essay Quiz.

On the Results slide, the Responses displays are varying in format depending upon the length of the response.

On the slide, the text box settings are the same; and you can't size the text boxes to a fixed size.  See attachment

  • Hi Mary Beth, 

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Would you be willing to upload a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case so we can get a better understanding of the behavior you're experiencing? We'll delete it as soon as we're done troubleshooting. 

  • Here are the slides in question.

    It appears that the text formatting changes based upon how much text is put into the response boxes.  

    Wondering if there's a way to fix that size format?

  • My colleague and I were working on this today... we finally found a solution... not sure exactly which part of this was the solution:

    He suggested, "Try using the same size text box and text for both input and output (calling the variable on a later slide). On each text box, right click and select Format Shape... then Text Box... then under Autofit select "Do not autofit" and "Wrap Text". See if that works... "

    Which I  did.   But that alone didn't make it happen.

    Then I found this and implemented it:

    and it's now working properly.

  • We've found some 'unwanted consequences' to this solution to the Upgrade Project Text.

    We're getting scrollbars on all the text elements and shape elements in the course.

    To resolve the shape elements, we had to convert them all to images.
    For the text elements, we had to expand the height of the text box beyond what was necessary to display the text.  

    I hope they come out with a solution to this in future releases.

  • Hi Mary Beth,

    Thanks for sharing your solution. If you're seeing scrollbars appear in your text elements, this is most likely because of Storyline 360's accessible text feature

    Since some browsers add more spacing than others, you might see an unexpected scroll bar in some text boxes, such as slide titles. This happens when the text plus its spacing are bigger than the bounding box. If you want to avoid scroll bars in default accessible text, you can increase the height of the text box to account for differences in spacing across browsers.

    If you continue to have issues with how the elements in your slides are being displayed, reach out to our support team for further assistance.