Forum Discussion

SteveBlane-e48a's avatar
Community Member
8 years ago

Jump (link) to a different content block within a lesson in Rise

Hi everyone,

Little Rise help please. I'm playing around with it and can't figure how to jump from one content block to another in a lesson. 

Example - I am covering a process that has four stages (one lesson per) and each stage has three sub-stages. At the intro of each lesson, I want to list the three sub-stages and have a short intro, then have a link to jump to another block.

I know I can create another lesson for each stage, but that creates a messy TOC and the silly "Lesson x of x" gets out of whack as well - any way to ditch that? Seems like it should be simple to get rid of! :)

  • CatWittman's avatar
    Community Member

    Back to the original question -- can you use buttons like Tom K. to create jump links within the SAME lesson (of a course)? One of mine is long, and I'd like to be able to "jump" to a different header/section. Can we jump to content blocks within a lesson? Possible? Thanks!

  • Hi there Steve,

    It sounds like you want to avoid a messy menu, so I've got some ideas that'll help maintain a streamlined Table of Contents.

    Check out this Rise course that Tom Kuhlmann created. He used used a button stack each button linking to a different lesson to create the feeling of a "branching" interaction. 

    Another option would be to provide links within one Rise course to separate learner-specific Rise courses. 

    And if you're feeling really creative, try your hand at this tutorial on hiding menu entries to create the "fake branching" effect. 

    • MichaelBromby-3's avatar
      Community Member

      Tom Kuhlman's Rise course looks great! Is there a template I could use to create something similar?

      • JoseTansengco's avatar

        Hi Michael, 

        This feature request still hasn't made it to our product roadmap, but we'll be sure to leave a message here when we have any new updates to share. I also added your voice to the feature request so we can keep track of the demand for the feature from the community.

    • HollyPerret-67d's avatar
      Community Member

      How do you set up a course like in the example shown by Tom Kuhlmann? I can't figure out how to do a table of contents with a header and subheaders like he did.

      • Crystal-Horn's avatar

        Hi, Holly! You can create menu sections by typing a section header and pressing shift + enter. Then, name each lesson as you normally would, pressing enter after each title. Here's more information on organizing your menu.