Forum Discussion

LEADDepartment's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Different Font Sizes in Flashcard Grid

When I enter text on the back of a flashcard one of the cards shows a different text size yet when I check by highlighting the text they all appear to be the same.

  • Hello OLE Department, 

    Happy to look into this for you!

    Would you mind sharing which course font, text, and text size you used in your Flashcard grid block so I can try to replicate the problem on my end? If you could also share a screenshot of the issue, that would be super helpful as well to ensure that we are testing the behavior as accurately as possible. 

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Good morning!  I am encountering this in the Rise Real Content course 7 Go-to Strategies to Tame Stress in the Meditating for Stress Management lesson. Image attached.

  • PienEekhout's avatar
    Community Member

    Hello! This happens to me too. 

    Sometimes, the font size on one flashcard seems automatically larger than on another flashcard in the same set. Why does this happen, and how can I fix it?In other cases, a scrollbar appears next to the text. In this example, both blocks have the font size set to 14 points.

    Our local support responded to this:

    Rise automatically adjusts the text size depending on the flashcard and text length. The text becomes smaller when more text needs to fit on a flashcard. When the text becomes too small, a scrollbar appears.

    It’s true that you still see the same font size on the front end, but in the background, it is being overridden.

    Question: Do you plan to add an option to override this automatic font size adjustment?


    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi PienEekhout!

      Thanks for reaching out and sharing the feedback!

      I noticed you've submitted a feature request as well. We are currently tracking a feature request to give authors more control over Flashcard font options in Rise 360. I've included your voice in the feature report! We'll be sure to update you if these enhancements make it to our Feature Roadmap.

      Have a great rest of your week!