Forum Discussion

BrengreLITTY's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

Lag when published


Since the last update, I'm facing a new issue. It seems that my modules start to lag once published, especially when objects are moving on the slide (Arrow with and entering animation, markers with entering animations). It lags on IE and Chrome as well. It lags on review too.

Does anyone else met this problem? Do you have any insight to avoid these lagging issues?

Have a nice day,

Bérengère LITTY

  • Hi Marek

    After a lot of testing Christopher determined this was a possible bug within Articulate and this has now been logged with their software engineers. No update as yet.

  • MarekOlejnik's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi both :) 

    Thanks for reply. In my case I didn't used slider, but other trigger interactions. I will use your suggestion and upload file for further investigation :) 

    • LaurenConnelly's avatar

      Hello Christine!

      I'm happy to help! I'm not seeing that anyone reported this issue in the past year. I'm sorry you're still running into this snag.

      Are you finding the course you're publishing lags? Are you publishing for Web, LMS, Review 360, or Video? If you're able to share your project with us, that would be helpful too! You can share it in this discussion or upload it privately in a support case.

  • ChristineCho's avatar
    Community Member

    It's not the entire course, it's just one slide with animation.

    It was originally published to Review 360 in order for others to be able to see. When it was published to video it seemed to work. However, we had to take that slide out and publish it on its own. Could it be that the number of objects on the slide would cause the lag? The background picture is made up of quite a few images grouped together.

    • LaurenConnelly's avatar

      Hello Christine!

      Thank you for sharing these details! If it's specifically the slide with the animation causing the lag, I'd recommend deleting and re-adding the animation. If the lag still occurs, try hiding different objects on the slide to see if the course publishes when a certain object is hidden.

      Let me know if you have additional questions!

  • Hi All

    I know this topic is old, but I came across this issue last week and none of the comments here helped in my case.

    The solution that worked for me was checking the "prevent users from clicking on the base layer", then all animations worked correctly. If your trouble is on the base layer, duplicate it to a new layer and set a "show layer" trigger on the base layer to start when the timeline starts. The user will not see or notice the difference.

    It's not a pretty workaround, but an effective one in a pinch - I hope this helps someone in the community :)