Forum Discussion

JaninaStrobel's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Learning progress issues with Articulate Storyline generated SCORM packages in SAP SuccessFactors LMS


We have been experiencing learning progress tracking and completion issues. The issue occurs under the conditions described below:

  • Used authoring tool: Articulate Storyline
  • Browser-Settings regarding the Player: “Launch player in new window” is disabled.

  • Set tracking options: %  (e. g. 90% of slides must be viewed for completing training)
  • Exported as SCORM 2004 Ed4
  • Uploaded into LMS: SAP SuccessFactors Learning

It seems that when I make the settings in Articulate Storyline as mentioned, that after exporting I get a SCORM-file which is not compliant with our LMS SuccessFactors.

In contrast, when I enable in the player settings of Articulate Storyline the “Launch player in new window” or when I export content from Articulate Rise authoring tool, I somehow get SCORM packages which are SuccessFactors compliant. In the way that the LMS then properly stores the learning progress. Also, the completion status then works as expected.

I wonder if I can change something in the SCORM package (e. g. in the imsmanifest.xml) to make it SuccessFactors compliant? Like it is with for example the Rise generated SCORM packages.

I already tried what is written here under “completion set by content and objective set by content to “true””: 

Overriding the Default Sequencing Rules (

And added the following lines to the imsmanifest.xml:

The result was half-successful. Because after inserting these lines into the imsmanifest.xml the completion status works as expected but not the learning progress view. Meaning: the user leaves the eLearning and continues later, but always has to start from beginning and not at that point where he last left off. So, I guess the suspend data couldn’t be stored in the LMS.

By the way, I noticed that imsmanifest.xml files from Rise generated SCORM-packages already have these sequencing lines mentioned above implemented. And I wonder why these lines are not per default integrated into all imsmanifest.xml files which are generated from one of Articulate’s authoring tools. Why these differences?!

Does anyone have a suggested solution and can help, please? 

Have a good day!

  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    SuccessFactors does not play well with SCORM 2004 packages, despite what the marketing materials may say. Try republishing in SCORM 1.2 and see if there are any similar issues.

  • JaninaStrobel's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Joe, 
    Thank you for your answer. We use SCORM 1.2 for the eLearnings which are small and don't have many interactions. And as you say, it works for them. However, we have some eLearnings which have a lot of user interactions and exceed the suspend data of SCORM 1.2 (4096). So, for these cases we need SCORM 2004 Ed4 --> Since it's suspend data limit is larger with 64000.