Local Storage Issues
Howdy, I am trying to transfer user variable data between tabs during the same browser session. I have a published folder and in the story_content folder there are 2 other published storyline course folders (course1 and course2). The main course opens in a new window. The branching in the main course works fine. When I click the course1 button , course 1 plays. I set a local variable in that course so when it is completed the variable changes to true. It closes when I click the close button. The main branching browser window is buried under other open windows and shows that the local storage vaiable changed to true. This I did by using setInterval to test for when the variable in course1 changes. No triggers that are set to fire when the variable changes are working. The course2 button does not become active. Also I have the clearInternal in the javascript so when the variable is true the interval will stop, but that is not working either. I put the course in scorm cloud - ScormCloud link
if you read the local storage
you get the string "true" or "false"
in your script you use boolean compare
change the line - add two quotes
if(Fam_completed == "true") {
- you should check the storyline variables - are they "Text" (string) or "True/False" (boolean)
- the data types must match between storyline / javascript / localStorage