Forum Discussion
Rise struggles with the use of macrons. I downloaded the best fonts for macrons from the net and then uploaded them as the custom font in Rise only to find the font doesn't changed. It looks messy.
Please help!
- DanielaDrandicZCommunity Member
I've tried all the work-arounds in this thread, and none of them have worked for Slavic diacritic letters (čšćđž specifically). When I'm editing they look fine (not perfect, but passable) but in the preview (reader), they are in a different font. It's really, really, frustrating.
Any info from Articulate Support on this?
- DanielaDrandicZCommunity Member
It looks like part of the problem is that Articulate won't let the signs on top of the letters go above the line height (like the dot on an i would for example), it is forcing everything into the same line height. See the photo.
Hi Daniela!
If you already followed these steps for getting non-Latin characters to display correctly and you're still having trouble, please open a case with our Support Team.
Include the Share URL so our engineers can get a better look at how the Slavic diacritic letters appear in your course. Thanks in advance!
- PaulTottle-112cCommunity Member
I've spent a few hours trying to resolve problems with macrons. Different to the ones above. Thanks to Articulate support here's what we found...
- The instructions suggested using FontSquirrel. Their process stripped out some language macrons. So try Transfonter.
- Use FontDrop to check your new woff files to see if they have the extended set. You can type the macron and see it appears.
- When naming a custom font in Rise, don't include spaces. There is no error message about this.
- PhilipRoyCommunity Member
Related to this...I'm just wondering if anyone has had a go at creating a Custom Course Labels file for Rise in Māori?
Hi everyone! If you're using Roboto or Open Sans fonts in your courses, we've just updated those fonts to the latest version. Clear your browser cache to see the effect in your courses.