Forum Discussion

ChrisLewis-1684's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Manually changing a standing pose to a sitting one

I am wanting 'Marissa' and another illustrated character to be sitting on a chair without a desk in front of them.

Has any successfully used Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop to do this work?

There is a great tool in Illustrator called Puppet Warp tool, but no matter which filetype I use (PNG doesn't work clearly) SVG, EPS, AI, I cannot get the tool to do anything, like in this video.

I thought I could convert a PNG to anyone of the formats above, which is what I did. Does someone see an issue with that?

  • Hi Chris,

    After watching the video you shared, it looks to me that for the Puppet Warp tool to work the character has to be built in Illustrator. The lines used to draw the mantis' are being manipulated by using anchor points at the joints. I think the only way to accomplish what you're looking to do would be to rebuild the character in Illustrator which would take a lot of time.

    Doing this in Photoshop might be a little easier, but you'd still need to put in a good amount of time editing the character.

    Thanks for reaching out,
