MC Slide-how to allow the learner to revist the slide and answer again....
I'm sure this is really simple, I just can't wrap my head around the best way to do this. I've googled and can't find the right combo of search terms to result in anything helpful.
I have MC slides. The user gets 2-3 chances to answer depending on the slide. There's a correct feedback layer, try again feedback layer, and an incorrect feedback layer.
Slide Properties right now are set to When Revisiting: Automatically Decide.
The slide itself doesn't have a Next button. The learner clicks Continue on the slide layer to move on.
This works great for the first view but if the learner jumps back and gets to this page again, it's stuck on the question because there isn't a next button and the submit button won't work since it's already been answered.
- I tried changing the When Revisiting to Reset to Initial State, but this removes the ability to see the try again feedback layer.
I tried changing the When revisiting to Set to Saved State, but when returning the submit button worked once, and on the third time returning didn't work. (see video to see this)
What is everyone doing in the situation of a MC question with no next button and the learner clicking continue on the feedback layer combined with having the learner re-visit the slide later? Do you have a button that appears after the learner clicks the Continue on the correct feedback layer (or incorrect feedback layer)?
I've attached the storyline file.