Forum Discussion

RosMcNamee-45c5's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Microlearning Scorm Replace not showing changes

Hi community and staff,

I have a concern with the microlearning format for Rise courses, in that when I have published a course using SCORM and then want to change something small like a grammatical error, the changes are not reflected when the SCORM package gets replaced.

So long as I don't touch the imsmanifest, I should be able to resume where I left off in the module, which is all working correctly, but the content itself is the same with no update even though the file is changed.

Is the microlearning format producing some old cached saved state that doesn't allow for the learner to received an updated course file?

The result of this means that we need to reset learner progress upon every update to a microlearning module, which isn't ideal.

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Ros,

    We have found that when a SCORM is updated, that some students with an in-progress status may not immediately see the updated course contents, because they are still seeing the cached version.

    Clearing the cache usually resolves this issue.