Forum Discussion

Tim_'s avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

microlearning title

is there a way to turn off the pointless microlearning title page so that it just shows the content? I feel like I've missed something obvious, but don't seem to be able to do that.

  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Tim - I saw your posting and messed around with this. Two suggestions: use a blank space as the title (literally, tap the space bar); or, use a single character (X?), then do a screencapture and recolor that character to blend in with the background image.

    I think the first approach would be far quicker, though.

    Good luck!

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Joe,

      That will get rid of the title text, but not the title page itself.

  • Good news, everyone! We've just released a new feature that allows you to turn off the cover page when you publish for LMS to improve compatibility, streamline training, and get learners into content faster. Give it a try, and let us know if you have any questions about it!

    Note: You can't hide the cover page for training created from Next Big Idea Club content templates.

  • Thanks for this. However, when Previewing the Microlearning, it still shows up, which makes the experience for reviewers awkward. If this setting is turned off in publish, any way to get it to disappear in Preview?

  • Hi, Noel! Thanks for letting us know you need the option to switch off the cover page during preview. We have this documented as a feature request, and I've added you to the list.  We'll be sure to let you know if we make changes that will help!