Forum Discussion

JakeHurt's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Microsoft Copilot

So with Copilot just announced, which looks to be able to massively decrease course building time in Powerpoint, will anything be done to Storyline to incorporate AI? Otherwise I see a difficult choice between the better functionality of Storyline compared to significant development speed decrease when done in Studio.
I know Studio is very much not going to work with Copilot, but the whole presentation designing process will, and will save time.

  • Surprised there are no responses here. I absolutely foresee the same thing. Wondering how organizations will pivot once stakeholders figure out that all they have to do is throw their info into a powerpoint, then quickly into storyline to SCORM it

  • JakeHurt's avatar
    Community Member

    Exactly, if Copilot is too good, it would heavily damage justification for using Storyline; sure it's more powerful, but look at the cost and time savings!
    I prefer Storyline, you can do more in Storyline... but unfortunately our clients won't take that as a good enough justification.

  • Dominik1's avatar
    Community Member

    Really interesting topic, especially as AI made such a huge leap forward and it would be great to learn more about Articulates strategy with regards to AI generated content.

  • JoeFrancis's avatar
    Community Member

    Especially since the concepts of "needs analysis," "audience analysis," "functional requirements," and "instructional design" are SO overrated. Any schmoe with half a brain and the latest version of PowerPoint can crank out eLearning courses by the HUNDREDS, on par with or superior to the well-thought and well-crafted courses already out there, which were created the "old" way.

    • MauraSullivan-9's avatar
      Community Member

      Loved your post!

      We try to avoid Powerpoint conversions (a.k.a. content dumps) where I work.

      I don't see how AI can create custom SL projects that require more than just regurgitating phrases from a PPT dump with multiple choice questions as a test. Perhaps more people should look at what Allen Interactions does and/or Cathy Moore's "Action Mapping" so they can learn about other approaches.

      • JoeFrancis's avatar
        Community Member

        I was working with Michael Allen's team in the 90s when they were still calling SAM "rapid prototyping" and we were developing courses in Macromedia Authorware. Back then, clients wanted to be able to dump classroom content straight to CD-ROM. Nevermind the interactive element, specifically the teacher INTERACTING with the learners, didn't translate. Michael focused on what the learner needed to be able to do, not know, to be successful.

        Regurgitating facts and figures, answering True/False, Multiple-Guess and Fill-In-The-Blank assessments, or sitting through scores of slides packed with 10-point text, horrible clip art, and a droning narration track surprisingly didn't count. Demonstrating proficiency at a task meant performing (aka doing) the actual task or a reasonable facsimile.

        Cathy Moore and Kinection put together an outstanding example of performance-based learning for the U.S. Army titled Connect with Haji Kamal. The goal was to help soldiers deploying to foreign countries develop the critical cultural skills that they need to better achieve their missions. Did Cathy Moore and Kinection rely on full-motion video, 24-bit graphics, CD-quality sound, VR, or Hollywood-level special effects? "No" to all of those. They used a flat, graphic-novel format of sepia-toned grayscale images, no animation, and simple narration. The power lay in how the learner interacted with the characters, and the repercussions of his/her actions.

  • Agree in some aspects but not others and agree the majority on this thread are missing the point. I think we are about to be flooded with low-quality AI media in every aspect of our lives from memes and news (where it's already in full swing) to movies, books (again, can already find plenty of AI-generated books and comics on Amazon), and podcasts. Also the plugin capability of AI means many, many elearning products are going to start rolling out extremely quickly, with just-in-time customized feedback supplied by LLMs. ChatGPT is already a better editor than most people. I'm extremely surprised by the lack of info from Articulate on how they plan to compete, particularly since it's been almost a month since GPT4 released with all its capabilities.