Forum Discussion
Modifying characters
Hello Heros!
I have a client that wants to use an illustrated character in our storyline module to represent her. The only problem is that she is white with long black hair. There is no character like this in the character pack. Can I somehow access the source files for the characters? I could do a quick skin tone change to get what we need.
- CynthiaPhelpsCommunity Member
Oh and just to add..... I know I won't be able to load the modified characters back into the character palette. But I saw the tutorial on how to do it with states.
- MatthewGrahamCommunity Member
Gosh--wouldn't it be a killer feature if they included a character creation where you could customize all colors, features and clothing to create your own avatars?
I don't think it's possible to change the source files, though. I tried tinkering around with this with no luck. Plus, it would make it difficult to sell character packs if you could customize the existing ones.
- anonymous1136Community Member
I created an application which allows you to install custom characters into Storyline's Illustrated character menu.
I'm currently developing custom characters in Illustrator as vector's and soon going to make them available to everyone through my website where you can pick and choose the features such as hair color, clothes, skin color, etc... you want to add to the characters and then have the ability to upload them to the Illustrator Character Menu in Storyline.
- SandhyaSrini262Community Member
Any updates on this site? Please advise.
- MatthewGrahamCommunity Member
Will there be a cost associated with these, Paul?
- anonymous1136Community Member
Yes. It's taken a lot of work on my part.
- MatthewGrahamCommunity Member
I'm definitely interested in the finished product. Is there a website to keep bookmarked, or are you still working on that?
- anonymous1136Community Member
It's in the works as we speak. I'll provide you with a link as soon as it's available.
- ErinClarkeCommunity Member
I know this is an old post, but I am very interested in this if it is available?
- FarrenBellmontCommunity Member
Any update on this?
- RustyWordenCommunity Member
So - what's the word on this? Any updates? Does anyone know how i can add my own photos to the characters list?
- ArturoHernandezCommunity Member
Yes I need to change the characters clothes color, let me know asap