Forum Discussion

LauraWhitton's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

More Trigger Help, Please.

I am creating a course that has these menu options that expand/collapse when the hotspot is clicked. Each slide has a variable set up with default False and it flips to True when visited. On each slide, there is a trigger that indicates to change the state of Picture2 to Normal when the variables on the layers=True. This trigger works on all of the layers with the exception of the base layer. I have tried adjusting the Properties to the various options "Resume Saved State", "Automatically Decide", and "Reset to Initial State", but none seem to make a difference.

I'm providing a screenshot, but happy to answer any questions to figure this out! Again, this trigger works on all of the other layers, so just not sure what I'm missing here.

  • Because you are only going to layers, not other slides, you never leave this slide, and the timeline never restarts. So this trigger never fires:

    On each layer, as part of the mechanism that hides it. add this trigger, with the appropriate "when" clause.

    • LauraWhitton's avatar
      Community Member

      I believe I understand the first part of what you're saying; the timeline has already started by the time the variable on my layers have changed, however I'm not understanding the second piece of your suggestion to remedy the issue.

      Each of my layers has these triggers relative to the Picture2 item (it will show on any layer so that regardless of the order the topics are visited, the learner can click Next if all are visited). For hiding the layer, the learner just clicks on the hotspot of either of the other menu options or the current menu option to return to the base layer and expand another section.

      I could modify my .story file to share it if it would help. Just don't want to share any proprietary information, so would need to tweak it.

  • LauraWhitton's avatar
    Community Member

    I figured it out, thank you! I didn't realize I could set the trigger for the base layer from within the layers themselves. 

    Appreciate your eyes!