Forum Discussion

ChrisBlack-5af8's avatar
Community Member
17 days ago

Storyline 360- Complete Course Trigger

We are building our Captivate Classic files in Storyline 360, and our unique-but-not-overly-complicated Quiz setup is causing some confusion due to the differences in Storyline's Quiz scoring options being different from Captivate. I'll take the issue chronologically in the attached project file, which is an in-progress .story file that will serve as our template for these builds:

Throughout the Chapter we have "Knowledge Check questions", which I put in quotes because in order to include them in the SCORM Interaction Data being sent to our LMS, they had to be created as "Graded Question" slides with a correct answer point value of 0. Examples are 1.4 KC_01 and 1.6 KC_02.

For our Quiz (Scene 2), we have 10 unique questions, but 20 slides, since Storyline does not offer a "Penalty" or "Point Reduction" for getting a question wrong the first time (New Feature Request already submitted). If the student gets 2.2 Q1 correct on the first attempt, it's worth 10 points and they're jumped to 2.6 Q2. If the student gets 2.2 Q1 wrong on the first attempt, they're jumped to an identical version of the question on a separate slide (2.3 Q1_Redo), and the correct answer on that slide is worth 5 points. For clarity, we're not toggling on the Only score viewed questions setting. In our Captivate files, the minimum passing score is 80 points. But Storyline only offers a Passing Score parameter (Quiz Results slide > Quiz Settings) in a percentage format. I didn't think this would be a problem, as 80/150 = ~54%.

But having to check off the boxes to include 1.4 KC_01 and 1.6 KC_02 in the Quiz Results slide > Quiz Settings window got me thinking that my previewing of the file would not indicate completion status, so I reached out to Articulate Support. I cannot seem to get a straightforward answer to the following question:

Is the Passing Score percentage calculated as a percentage of the total available points for all Graded Question slides? Or, since a percentage implies that there's no weighting to the Graded Question slides via points, is the Passing Score percentage calculated simply as a percentage of all of the Graded Question slides? This confusion is rooted in the fact that Storyline allows us to assign a number of points to a correct answer, and then does not allow us to base the Passing Score off of a set number of points, which is pretty odd.

If the answer is the latter, we don't have any interest in calculating this percentage for each of our hundreds of individual Chapters with varying numbers of "Knowledge Check questions," and I'd likely set up a Variable to track the points scored on the Quiz and use the Complete Course Trigger at the end of the project. However, I can't seem to get Articulate Support to confirm two aspects of this change, should it be necessary:

  1. That the SCORM Interaction Data would be sent to our LMS if that Trigger was used by a button on one of the slides after the Quiz Results Slide, as it seems if we don't base the positive completion status off the built-in Quiz score, it's not clear that the SCORM Interaction Data will be sent;
  2. How the positive completion status is sent to our LMS when we use the Complete Course Trigger (Ie. in the SCORM Interaction Data, or some other way we're currently unfamiliar with). This is important after reading through the bulk of Storyline users asking for help when their LMS doesn't recognize the positive completion status when sent using that Trigger.

Any guidance or ideas is much appreciated from a new-to-Storyline company. Thank you in advance for your time!

  • The percentage would be calculated on the number of questions answered so if the user answers 10 it is based off those, or if they do all 20 it is based of them. Under quiz setting there is the checkbox to only mark viewed questions but not sure that will give you what you are after.

    If you use a complete trigger the interaction data is not sent. 

    IN your LMS it will send what ever the complete trigger is sent to.

  • Hi ChrisBlack-5af8!

    Glad to see Phil has been helping you!

    I noticed that you've opened a support case as well. It looks like my colleague Chester is handling your case, and should be connecting with you via e-mail shortly. We can continue the conversation through your case to keep all information in one spot.