Forum Discussion
Multiple Correct Hotspots
I can help with the calculation timing. Do the calculations “When timeline on this layer starts”. Then “Show [next] layer when variable [last variable] changes” Set the Next layer to hide other layers. You won’t believe how fast it runs through the layers, but if your triggers are correct, the answers will be fast and accurate.
Thank you for that, I was investigating that as well. I wasn't sure which variable the total points available was and if I could use that (and whether it calculates after submit or before submit). My variable won't change if it evaluates as false (I assume adding 0 isn't recorded as a change?), but you just gave me the idea of creating a fake variable where it adds 1 on all of the fake slides at the same time it evaluates the if then else expression. Thanks!
Edit: here is what worked for me (in preview mode, haven't gotten any farther):
1. Created variable BlankSlideCount with numeric value.
2. On each blank question slide, I have the following triggers:
a. Set state of Radio Button 1 - "True" to Selected when the timeline starts on this slide IF NumCorrect >= <number> ELSE: set state of Radio Button 2 - "False" to Selected
b. Add value 1 to BlankSlideCount when the state of at least one of Radio Button 1 and Radio Button 2 is Selected
c. Submit True/False when BlankSlideCount changes
d. Jump to next slide when BlankSlideCount changes
Oddly enough, both c and d were necessary because it would auto advance to the next slide with c only sometimes but not always. I wasn't able to determine what setting was different to make the blank slides behave differently.
I did these on individual questions, not layers as suggested, since I wanted partial credit for each correct item selected and the only way I could figure out how to do that was with individual True/False questions. The timelines are now set short and the faux spinning progress wheel looks moderately convincing (the questions are randomized) :D.